Unifying Every Neighborhood of New York City
Its Time to Cure NYC
Unifying Every
Its Time to
Neighborhood of
Treat the Disease &
New York City
the Symptons
My Vision is to unite all the communities of New York City using kindness and empathy as a guide to better understand how to solve the problems in each community. I believe we must all take action to save ourselves and rebuild our city. If we do not do it, then “they” will.
“We’ve got to be more kind and empathetic
with each other so we can learn and build.”
“We’ve got to be more kind and
empathetic with each other so
we can learn and build.”
“Enough is enough. No more toxicity in our city.”
“Enough is enough.
No more toxicity in our city.”
We will fix our foundation and
build upon four key pillars.
Basic Human Rights & Needs
Public Health & Wellness
Community & Culture
Ethics & Communication
We will raise the Minimum Standard of Living and Make NYC Work, because its 2021 and New Yorkers must have their needs met and things must work well in order to fix and bring our city into the 21st Century, and New Yorkers can achieve their goals and become who they want to be. No New Yorker will ever go without through The NYC Future’s Act. Then our reforms will last.
We will reinvigorate all 300 plus
neighborhoods to revitalize
their community.
Christopher Scott Krietchman
“I want an executive order to be made that will eradicate Health Insurance Companies for being ‘For-Profit.’ They should be Not-for-Profit only.”
“We should not only forgive student debt, but anyone who ever paid student loans should get their money refunded. Everyone.”
“I believe that we should move up retirement eligibility to 55 years of age, and expand on Social Security. People should be able to enjoy their life sooner.”
“Before we talk about Police Reform and Funding – the police must eradicate and remove any and all white supremacists form their organizations. Only then can they truly serve our communities. Then we must reform them.”
“No more ‘RED TEAM’ versus the ‘BLUE TEAM’ – we complex people. Let’s put policy and ethics over PARTY. Let’s clean house and build a system that works.”
“We are starting the second fifth of the 21sts Century… and it definitely does not feel like the 21st Century. It’s time for progress, real equality, access and equity.”
“It’s our New York – not only for the Wealthy Elite and we have to show up this year by the millions to have our voices heard and make them count.”
“We need to be able to provide all New Yorkers with paid vacation time. As a matter of fact, the city can use a vacation itself every year. It will be good for our mental health – also great for our environment.”
“As a health and wellness entrepreneur, as a politically independent candidate who does not care about blue or red, I only cares about the neighborhoods of NYC.”
“As a health and wellness entrepreneur, as a politically independent candidate who does not care about blue or red, I only cares about the neighborhoods of NYC.”
Pro-New Yorker / Anti-Neighborhood Exploitation
Pro-Community / Anti-Bully
Pro-Jobs / Anti-Layoffs
Pro-Affordable Rents / Anti-Rent Gouging
Pro-Union / Anti-Corruption
Pro-Human / Anti-Racist
Pro-Women’s Rights / Anti-Sexism
Pro-LGBTQ / Anti-Bigotry
Pro-Disabled / Anti-Ableism
Pro-Entrepreneurship / Anti-Corporate Bullying
Pro-Modernizing / Anti-Gentrification
Pro-Financial Literacy / Anti-Disinformation
Pro-Civic Literacy / Anti-Voter Suppression
Pro-Free Market / Anti-Wall Street Elite Manipulation
Pro-The People / Anti-Elitism
Pro- Transparency / Anti-Cover Ups
Pro-Accountability / Anti-Corruption
Pro-Good Cops / Anti-Bad Cops
Pro-Mental Health / Anti-Sociopathy & Narcissists
Pro-BLM / Anti-Terrorism
Pro-Safety / Anti-Fear
Pro-Security / Anti-Abuse of Power
Pro-Civil Rights / Anti-Institutionalized Oppression
How Can You Help Us
New Yorker
Affordable Rents
Women’s Rights
Financial Literacy
Civic Literacy
Free Market
The People
Good Cops
Mental Health
Civil Rights
Neighborhood Exploitation
Rent Gouging
Corporate Bullying
Voter Suppression
Wall Street Elite Manipulation
Cover Ups
Bad Cops
Sociopathy & Narcissists
Abuse of Power
Institutionalized Oppression
Social Justice
It’s time we make this city a place where all people can flourish & thrive through equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion for all.
It’s time to nurture the creative, entrepreneurial, nightlife, tech, finance, startup and small business communities of this great city through integration of ideas.
It’s time we look at ourselves and demand kindness, patience, love, and empathy, and create healthier spaces for all of us to be humans and have peace of mind.
Public Health
It’s time we put the right agency at the lead. Especially one that can improve the human experience, health and well-being of NYers.
It’s time to start laying the foundation for the future of NYC, and designing a system that is efficient, sustainable & scale-able.
It’s time to root out corruption and complicity, as well as having our systems fully integrated and updated to the 21st century.
It’s time we look at our resources here in NYC. CUNY is the 2nd largest university in the United States. It’s time to work together.
Safety & Freedom
It’s time to protect ourselves, one another, and our rights to be safe from threats, and free to exercise our constitutional rights without fear of gov’t over-reach.
It has occurred to me that we can have a healthier urban living environment and a better overall human experience. Other than complacency, greed, corruption, willful ignorance, and neglect, there should be no reason NYC, one of the wealthiest cities in the world, doesn’t see massive progress and prosperity.
NYC can be a leader in healthier, innovative, integrated and future-forward urban living. However, we all have to want it, and we all have to demand more of ourselves, and our elected officials. We have to make drastic changes in our thoughts, views, interactions, expectations and accountability for the sake of a healthier and greater NYC now, and in 2121.
Now is the time to clean up this city and make space for everyone to have a voice and a say. White privilege, especially white male privilege, has been holding the power and control for far too long. There is too much corruption and too little accountability. Yes, I am a white man, and I do have privilege, but I want to use that privilege to make more space for everyone, especially the BIPOC, Black Women and the lowest income households that are most vulnerable. The NYC’s elite and wealthiest should be called upon to help those less fortunate and improve living conditions and experiences in low income areas. The work I am proposing for NYC is to benefit everyone, not just the uber-wealthy and elites.
We must also rethink our approach to infrastructure. When we have better systems and infrastructure, we pave the way for a better and healthier future. We need agile frameworks and designs that best prepare us for the ever-growing population of this planet, and all the uncertainties we may face in the future.
It’s time we start thinking beyond election cycles and the short-term ‘symptom treating,’ tactics, and start laying the groundwork for a long-term picture of NYC . We need to focus on ‘curing the causes’, like greed, systemic racism and corruption, to name a few.
I believe that everyone should have access to the things that afford them the ability to prosper and pursue happiness. That means, at the very least, everyone should have healthcare, a home, clean water, safety, justice, representation, and various mental wellness resources.
We need more action and less talk. We must have roadmaps that integrate preventative methodology as opposed to reactionary “band-aid” treatments. NYC is sick, and we can no longer treat our symptoms. We must start cleaning up the corruption that we now face and acknowledge, address and treat our disease.
We are often told that “we are the people” and that “we have the power,” yet everything around us in our communities seems to be managed and controlled by small groups of wealthy and elite people. I say no more and enough is officially enough. Community is about communication and follow through of unity. Wealthy people and elites are just part of the NY narrative. There are other groups of people that need to have more influence in how NY is shaped for the future.
I can no longer sit back and hope for better candidates to fall into place. There is a saying that one should be the change they wish to see in the world, and lead by example. Well, here we are at a crossroads and I want to be, for NYC, the change I wish to see in the world. I envision a kinder, more empathetic, healthier, and educated city, where diversity is celebrated and sought after. The goal is to have a better human experience for everyone, I believe the plan I’ve laid out on this website is the way to make this happen. It’s a foundational rethinking of NYC, and I believe it’s achievable over time.
The collaborative models I propose are a starting point, and are still conceptual. I believe in iterations and continuous improvement, so my collaborative models will change for the better as they grow and flourish. When they do change, you won’t be left without an explanation or reasons for alterations and amendments. I vow to be transparent and I pledge to usher in this style of leadership and culture throughout the city’s governing administration. I want to institute a more rigorous transparency and accountability process for myself, as well as incumbent leadership. We are at a critical time in NYC’s history, and we can’t afford to flounder by not practicing what we preach. Revitalizing NYC is going to take the help of each and everyone of us. The old saying goes that all ships are raised by the rising tide. Well, I’m asking you all to help me rise the tide. I do not believe I have all the answers. I only know that, if not me, who? If not now, when? I’m not perfect, but I believe I will be who and what we need, as opposed to what “looks good” and is “digestible.” I will listen and make time for everyone’s perspective. I will be open to investigations and show, transparently, the efficacy of all my plans and proposals..
Sustainable Clean
It's time for a city that works, and works well off of its own ecosystem and energy sources.
Restore Transparency
It's time to remove the career politicians, the corrupt, greedy, power and authority abusers.
Rebuilding Trust
We need emapthy, love, kindness, open communication, patience, and willingness.
Education is Primary
To coexist we must learn about one another and how to communicate with each other.
New Revenue Opportunities
It's time to start looking at things differently with a fresh, unadulterated perspective.
Applying Knowledge
We can look elsewhere to see what works well and apply what others succeeded doing, here.
The Team & Contributors
No team member found.
The Vision of Tomorrow's NYC
Campaign Starter
We are raising our initial $50,000 to get our campaign started. If you want to see a real difference and have someone who isn’t a career politician or a millionaire/billionaire – someone who is a New Yorker, who stands for kindness and integrity then Chris won’t let you down.
Campaign Starter$50,000
Charity Activity of The Year
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.
Charity Activity of The Year
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur.

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What Our Donators Say
Volutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisunecing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicitudin and magna et, rhon venena ipsum. Maecenas in tempor ipsum. Vivamus mollise varius orci, et pellentesque mi tempor.

Martin Doe
Exel Inc - CEOVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisunecing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicitudin and magna et, rhon venena ipsum. Maecenas in tempor ipsum. Vivamus mollise varius orci, et pellentesque mi tempor.

Martin Doe
Exel Inc - CEOVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisunecing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicitudin and magna et, rhon venena ipsum. Maecenas in tempor ipsum. Vivamus mollise varius orci, et pellentesque mi tempor.

Sara Doe
Exel Inc - ManagerVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisunecing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicitudin and magna et, rhon venena ipsum. Maecenas in tempor ipsum. Vivamus mollise varius orci, et pellentesque mi tempor.

Sara Doe
Exel Inc - ManagerVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisunecing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicitudin and magna et, rhon venena ipsum. Maecenas in tempor ipsum. Vivamus mollise varius orci, et pellentesque mi tempor.

Chris Doe
Exel Inc - HRVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisunecing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicitudin and magna et, rhon venena ipsum. Maecenas in tempor ipsum. Vivamus mollise varius orci, et pellentesque mi tempor.

Chris Doe
Exel Inc - HROur Sponsors